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Foundations from Failure

Fall down once... get back up. Fall down twice....brush it off and get up again. Fall down for a third time... f**k it, I'll stay right here on the ground! We've all been there. We have all been faced with what appears to be an unsurmountable, frustrating, and even unfair hiccup in a dream or a goal we have been relentlessly chasing. And we have all stepped away from something we waned to badly, simply in fear that failure is more than we can handle.

Time and time again we are faced with these obstacles and roadblocks that life places in our way and more times than not we take that leap to get to the other side and fall flat on our face. Failure is difficult. Failure can wipe a dream right out of existence and can crush your spirits faster than pouring the last glass of your favorite bottle of wine; however, how we choose to handle failure says more about your journey than any success story every will. Without failure we have no foundation, and without a foundation we have nothing to build our dreams on. Embrace your failures. Get back up, brush it off, and go again!

We cannot allow our missteps to dictate our path or our story. We cannot let the feeling of defeat allow us to shed our mental armor. Strength and confidence in yourself to accomplish your goals or to reach out and grab your dream by the reigns is hard to come by and allowing your mind to be tricked by failure to think that you're weak or unworthy is as disrespectful to yourself as it is to all the people you are inspiring along your journey.

You are strong enough to overcome defeat. Even when it feels like there's not another step you can take or another route you can go...even when you feel tired and no closer to what you're trying to accomplish...dig down deep and remind yourself that YOU ARE WORTH IT! You are worth fighting against the restraints failure tries to limit you to. Look defeat straight in the eyes. Stare it down and remind it that there is no mountain too high for you to climb because you are determined and you are ready to build your empire upon a foundation of failure!

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